Anchoring Within & Standing Tall

I woke up this morning feeling that blissful feeling as I lay in bed. But things quickly took a turn. As I got up, I felt scattered, in my head, anxious, worried, thoughts flying all over the place with no real clarity or place to land. 


For those who follow numerology, this is a 7 personal month for me. I also think about the 7s in Tarot – a lot of options, juggling, feeling overwhelmed, lack of clarity, needing to get on top of or overcome something. 


This is how this entire month has felt. For me, each month has an overarching energy, and then there’s each day. I’m a feeler and very tuned into the collective, for better or for worse. But I (we) also have an energy field of my own to help me stay grounded in what’s true for me in each moment. 


This is the space that feels like truth, where I stand in my power and clarity, even when thoughts and feeling are flying all over the place around me. I say around me because within me, this truth is what I anchor to. For me, I call this energy God, Universe, Source, Spirit, Peace, Love, Soul, Life, Self, etc. What resonates for you is your truth that wants to be honored.


Once I finally took a minute, I muscle tested, “I am I.” This is a technique I learned from Innerwise®, an energy healing method and system, through which I’m a practitioner. This allows us to test whether we’re anchored into our energy field and whether there are other energies that need to be cleared. 



As soon as I muscle tested and sensed I was out of balance, I instantly began to weep…the good kind of cry. I felt this instant release and an instant shift back to me. The scattered feeling, thoughts, worries all dissipated…instantly! Of course, this is through years of practice, but perhaps you’re less willful than I am ;-) 


That was all I needed. It was literally an instant, a decision to realign with my peace. A Course In Miracles calls this the holy instant. As I write this, which I was guided to do, I still have tears in my eyes because this space feels so incredible to me. After countless challenges in my life over the years, I’ve reached a place where all I really care about is alignment with this truth, this peace. And whatever I do in my life, it feels better when it comes from this space.


And throughout the day I check in with myself. Some days it’s like a few times and other days it’s like 100 times. Apparently, I’m a quick learner. Again, lots of practice…still…I’m assuming for life!


And, there are infinite ways we can check in with ourselves. I sometimes muscle test, I journal to ground into where I am and my feelings, I have a sip of coffee or something I really enjoy, I take a moment of stillness, I go for a walk, I talk to a friend, I might do some yoga (might), I listen to my “hippie music” as my husband likes to call it (Snatam Kaur is a favorite of mine), I’ll read something that feels heart-warming and opening, I do energy healing on myself or sometimes pull some cards. The possibilities are endless.


I’m sure you have your own list of what feels grounding to you. We all have our space that feels like truth and love and peace, and all have our own personal toolkit for instantly anchoring to it. When we’re in this space, loving ourselves becomes easier because Love is who we are and what we find when we’re here…


The love in me salutes the love in you.