Posts tagged #awakening
Relishing In My Peace...I Earned It & I Am It

Today, I feel this strong pull to be with myself, to sit with myself, to enjoy and relish in the fruits of my labor and journey from the past several years. There are days I feel whole, and today is one of those days. I feel the peace, joy, love, presence, strength of God. In this, I find freedom and joy. It’s the most beautiful feeling and experience to me. And I’m being asked to sit with it and enjoy it. So in terms of writing, I’m allowing whatever comes out to come out, including the immense gratitude I feel today.

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The Truth Of Who You Are

I write this in hopes that it inspires others to also let down their guard and open their hearts to feel the depth of love, strength and safety from within. 

You have the Love and Strength of God within you. You are a child of God. You are God’s Son, God’s Daughter. You are created in His Likeness. You are empowerment, compassion, love, kindness, peace, happiness, joy. Underneath all the concepts we bought into about ourselves, lies these truths about the essence of your being. If you don’t yet feel this truth more regularly, surely you have felt this peace within you for even a moment in your life. Hopefully long enough to know it’s there and can be found at any moment you choose.


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Your True Strength

I’m in the very beginnings of launching my business. And I feel scared at times. I feel apprehensive about what I post, anxious and worry about whether I’m conveying the crux of what my heart wants to say. While I’m writing, I can feel when I’m aligned with Source and when I veer off…those are the sentences I delete. For me, these feelings arise at times that feel new to me.

I go back to a thought that brings me so much comfort and peace, and reminds me that I am not alone to figure this out. There is love and compassion waiting to cradle me, and strength waiting to guide my footsteps. But this strength is not my own...

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